Thursday, February 09, 2006

I did it, I did it, I'd said do and indeed I did!

For those of you who did not grow up with old movies, this is part of a song from My Fair Lady. Anywhoodles. I sent my stuff to Writers House. Seriously, Daniel Lazar, prepare to be blown away. Or to delete my email. Either way I did it. I also have my package ready to hit Jennifer Jackson at Donald Maass although this is via snail mail so I could include the first ten pages per her website. I actually put it in a photo mailer envelope. I'm not trying to be deceptive but it had a cardboard thingy so it wouldn't get bent and it's water proof. Next? Lowenstein-Yost I think. That is tomorrows goal.

But I was stressing over Writers House since I feel like that's the holy grail and that every interview I've seen with them, minus the one I recently read with the above agent, they display no sense of humor at all. If I'm sharing money with someone they need to be funny. Warped might be better.

I have to go prepare lunch for my toddler now. Sometimes the reality of having a child who will not eat meat or sweets is not all that fun. I continually have to search new and exciting vegetarian options for her. Today for instance she's having pasta with mushrooms and a side of oranges. Do not get me wrong, I would far rather have a child interested in whole grains and fresh veggies then one addicted to Sunny Delight (should be outlawed) and cookies (which my daughter is completely convinced are whole wheat saltines).

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