Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Chick-Lit Writer's of the World

I'm apparently becoming addicted to joining RWA off set groups. I joined these ladies today http://www.chicklitwriters.com/. I hope it's funness! And yes, I know I owe two more agent queries. I'm getting there but my child has been ILL. I am currently reviewing my manuscript and tweaking the quote marks. Since I use a fantastic program called WriteWay to get the scrip together www.writewaypro.com but Word at the office with my jump drive I have to download and piece them together. Sadly they have a difference of opinion about smart quotes and I keep forgetting to turn them off on Word. As a result my formatting looks weird. And since one of my new Diva board ladies is all waiting to read it I am trying to zip through and correct them. You know, this book is funny. No, really. The midget is somewhat hilarious as is the purple dyed chiuaua (spell?). I hope an agent actually reads the darn thing.

So, national conference coming up in July! Woo-hoo! One of my favorite things is hanging with a thousand like-minded women and men (yeah, you wouldn't think but there are quite a few NOT GAY ones. I didn't realize it but in Dallas, James Patterson was in the Story Magic seminar with me. By the way, if Robin Perrini brings that seminar within driving distance to you, GO! If you ever hope to write a book but can't plot your way out a wet paper bag, this is for you! And me!). You can hang with all your favorite authors and go to awesome workshops and best of all, you get an agent and editor appointment! Five whole dedicated minutes to talk your heart out about your fabulous piece of work! Sure, it doesn't sound like much but you write your pitch on index cards and memorize it and time yourself with a stopwatch and you get it down to about three minutes which leaves two for questions. Then they slide over the all important business card to you and say, send it! And you get to write the coveted REQUESTED MATERIAL on the outside of your envelope. I get so overwhelmed at the thought I have to lay down.

So, goal for today and possibly part of tomorrow, finish quote review and get off to critique partner.

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