Thursday, March 23, 2006

Fat Cat

I've not got too much time today with procrastinating working on my book and all. So I'm stealing an article from Sars about a very hot topic at my hosue. We have a large selection of cats at our house. I'd like to describe one of the girls, Wasabi, as being healthy. Big boned. Voluptuous. Fluffy. But alas, she's fat. Our cats our indoor cats. Once in 1999 our male cat, Mr. Mimi, then a single child escaped after several months of plotting out onto our enclosed patio. As I recall a leaf fell on him and he hid under the couch for over a week only to be coaxed out with chicken McNuggets and one of my favorite black sweaters that he could shed all over. I say this to tell you that exercise isn't number one on their lists of things to do. But recently I found a post on Tomato Nation that pretty much summed it up. If you own a cat who is a...BBW then you'll certainly understand.

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