Thursday, March 16, 2006

CJ Lyons

Today we shall be talking about my pal, CJ.

CJ is one of those people I love to hate. Then I hate to love. Then I feel guily about the whole hate part and just end up loving her. Why? Well, let's see...CJ is a doctor who is a childrens emergency medicine specialist. She testifies in cases about evil parents. That's when she isn't roaming the pooorest countries in the world vaccinating and caring for thier children. And when she's not climbing mountains, treking through jungles, winning awards and getting her books published. She read my book all in one sitting and didn't say it blew. Oh, did I mention that she's also an award winning writer with a new book coming out? In hardback. I don't know this for sure, but my guess is her linen closet is also perfectly organized, there are no dust bunnies under her fridge and she never has a big basket of clean laundry sitting out in her bedroom floor for a week that she just grabs clothes out of to wear. Not that I do either, I've just heard of people like that. Oh wait, did I mention she's ditching her day job to do pediatric medicine volunteer work and write full time? I want to be CJ when I grow up.

Her latest novel will be released by Tor/Forge when...whenever they get her cover art debacle straightened out. CJ kindly sent me an advanced copy of a new novel she is working on. It's fabulous. No really, it's fabulous. She's got sort of a Patricia Cornwall-Tami Hoag thing going on. So I am giving ya'll the tools to get your own copy.

Cathryn J Lyons, MD
or check out her book on Amazon

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