Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Book News

Want to hear something exciting?

Friday I woke up feeling rather optimistic about my book for a change. So I whipped out my list of agents and emailed the ones that accepted queries in that format. I guess I did that at about 5ish. At 6:30 I checked my email and HAD A RESPONSE! Not just from anyone but Jenny Bent (of Sweet Potato Queens fame) asking for my partial and she sent me a RELASE FORM to sign. Never did I think I would be signing a release form from Trident Media. This is one of those it's an honor just to be nominated moments.

So to follow up my triumphant, today I sent out the long awaited partial to Kristin Nelson and got to mark it REQUESTED MATERIAL. And I'm going to send Trident their requested stuff as soon as I write my synopsis.

Synopsis are evil. They were thought up by Satan to cripple writers. Many a decent manuscript has died a horrible death at the hands of a bad synopsis. But I just have to suck it up and do it. I also wrote my writer's bio. It's supposed to list my writing credits. I have none so it was short.

On a personal note, I'd like to throw up my arms and announce BACHTACULAR news. My daughter is potty training and seems to be digging the concept. Amen!

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