Monday, January 30, 2006

Goals du Jour

First, I had a little party yesterday. I'm going to go on record here as saying that one of my al time pet peeves in this life is when people tell you they are coming to something and then don't show up. Or call or email. If you are not going to come just say I can't be there. It's fine. But this person has done this twice and it is just unacceptable. Now...

I am continuing revising my first ten pages today. I know that seems silly but really you only get one chance to make that agent turn to the second page. If they turn the page, you have their attention. One page can make or break you. Isn't that odd? And you get no mulligans. I mean even on the SAT you can have do-overs as much as you want. And it's so sad when you write your heart out and someone says meh. This is the fear that keeps me from breaking out a big fat Tyvek and sending out anything. It's so much better when you go to a conference and the editor or agent you meet with is all, sure send it and here's my card so you can stick the all important "Requested" on the envelope so it bypasses the huge slush pile and starts out in the read when you get around to it pile. Even that pile isn't first rate but it's a step up.

I had another idea today for a book. I was actually trying to give an example of a one-liner blurb to someone and just threw out the first think on my mind and it turns out to be...not so bad really. Great! Just what I need, to get sidelined again! Rats!

GOAL OF THE DAY= Revise First Ten

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