Thursday, August 10, 2006

Some pictures my daughter should never see

I'm concerned about what I'm seeing these days in magazines and movies and on television. It's not normal for a full grown woman to weigh 90 pounds. I don't want my daughter to think it is. Women like Nicole Ritchie and Kate Bosworth are not helping. If they would stand up and say "I have an eating disorder. I'm too skinny. Hollywood has screwed with me so much my self-imageis completely distorted. DO NOT DO THIS TO YOURSELF' than I think I'd find far less of the horrible thing going on that you can link to at the bottom of this page. There are many of these out there, but this one was particularly painful to me.

I'm pleased to see Laura Flynn Boyle has added pretzels to her diet this year. Remember the ballerina dress debacle? Just scary as hell. What do you think she weighed at her skinniest? Ninety pounds? Eighty? No wonder Jack Nicholson was like...ick.

And below the woman who I blame for starting this, Calista Flockhart. Does anyone know why Harrison Ford would be having sex with her? She seems to have put on about two pounds here in picture two so maybe she mistook a tic-tac as a birth control pill and bulked up?

Nicole Ritchie. Did someone actually say to her "you look great"?

Did anyone have a problem with Kate Bosworth looking like this?

Apparently so. Do you wonder if Orlando Bloom ever looks at her now and is like "Is this what I signed up for?"

Okay, here come the Hollywood fatties by comparison. Yes, these women are probably twos and fours. Some might tip the scale at 120. Let's take a look.

Meg Ryan-Okay, her image is tarnished but that wasn't because of her weight. Still lovely, still normal looking, still I can relate to her as a female in her movies with actual things going on in her life besides being obsessed with carbs.

Evangeline Lily- Looking a littel hip boney here but all in all, healthy.

Kate Beckinsale. A woman so glamorous it's actually painful. We'll need special goggles to view the next two photos. In a bikini she's small but perfectly porportioned which I guess means she's small boned. And obviously, she looks good as we can see in picture number two. She wore nothing but latex in Underworld. Does anyone want to see Nicole Ritchie in latex? Thought not.

It's the mother lode. Angelina Jolie, looking fit and beautiful pre-baby. BTW, the Jolie-Pitt clan was named the most beautiful family in the world by People so yet another categorey we all need to worry about breaking into. Shave your legs and tell the husband to do up his pants before next years's voting.

And now we arrive at what many hail as the most beautiful woman in the world. And she was a size sixteen at the height of her career. When Jackie O. become isanely jealous and had her killed. See, thta's what being too thin does to you, it makes you insane.

Most disturbingly I found this blog. There are a lot of these pro-eating disorder blogs circulating with tips on on keeping yourself 'thin'. This particular one I picked though because this dilluted child says that her dream is that she looks like Kate Bosworth in this photo.

Pro-Eating Disorder Blog

What the hell is going on here people?

And on that note, I'm having an Oreo.

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