Monday, August 21, 2006

Dracula and Santa: Go together like Egg and...Nog

Yes, once upon a time in a happy and naieve land, NovelChick thought, write a good book, get an agent, get published, go to cocktail parties with the likes of Bette Midler. It seems simple. Man has been putting words down for many, many millenium. Write it, sell it. But it's not. It's not even close. First, you have to actually WRITE the darn thing. Although this process is entirely different from person to person. Some people use a word count a day, some do per pages a day, some write when inspiration hits (The NovelChick Method/Madness), some people have to do complete and detailed synopsis down to the fictional neighbor's hampsters name. It's all a process and it all leads to the same end. Sort of like driving around Atlanta, no matter where you start or what route you take, eventually, you'll see an I-85 sign.

So, now that NovelChick has discovered her genre has DIED according to agents (and really what's the point in getting an agent who thinks the genre is dead and isn't going to try and sell you? I mean this person is in your life forever). I'm thinking of expanding my wings and flying. Or opening my wings and soaring or...I was never good with analogies. Anyway, as we all know by now Rose Press is in a lather to get holiday stories out. I am thinking of (and some of you may need a seat) writing a vampire Christmas tale.

Are we all feeling better now? While I watch copius amounts of sci-fi and enjoy vampire movies a good deal (just saw Underworld Two, highly recommend it, don't forget your special goggle that will lessen some of Kate Beckinsale's beauty or you risk cornea damage) I'm just not a paranormal reader. I don't know why. I think the best and dearest fantasy book I ever read was
Magic Kingdom For Sale: Sold by the great Terry Brooks. Matter of fact, my original first edition copy is so ratty that he sent me a new one. My mother was at a book conference some years ago and told me he was doing a seminar. I gave her my pathetic copy and she hauled it to the conference and had him sign it. I believe he referred to it as "well loved". Anyway, that whole literary scene has never been my deal. There are some fabulously talented writers out there doing it, Sherrilyn Kenyon comes immediately to mind, and if you're into that sort of thing and you haven't read the DarkHunter series than I have no idea why you're still sitting here, reading this when you should be trucking down to Borders. So for me to say, vampire Christmas, yes I think that will work, is ridiculous. But none the less...I suppose since it's a new epublisher I feel like I can do it and not have to worry about a word count and maybe they like it or not but it's a first try. So, what's the harm?

Well, okay the harm is that it dents my time spent on the Sassy Wenches book. If I write 15 pages a day until August 31 I'm done. But if the muse is busy elsewhere, sometimes you have to wait. And apparently my muse is busy with back to school shopping or something because she didn't think it was worth getting into that swarm at Target or Bloomingdales to save five percent or whatever. My muse is quite brilliant. She'll be here soon, I'm not worried about it and one day next week I'll wake up and blast fifty pages down in one sitting. So in the meantime.....

I guess "I vant to suck youl vlodd! Bla, bla, bla!"

So, feedback on this plan? BTW, thank you all so much for your cookie thoughts. You were all very wise.

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