Thursday, July 13, 2006

Taking the Fall: What's new on the tube this season

Well, has provided us with a list of the new shows the networks are putting up this fall. I thought we'd take a look at a few I think will be winners and the rest of which are going to be losers.

It's my newly held opinon that at the moment America isn't terribly interested in anything new. Look at the top ten. It's been fairly consistent for years now (Survivor, CSI, LOST, AI, 24). But let's see what they're trying to give us this year....

Jericho- Maybe, maybe not. I think this may have been sold as the next LOST. We'll have to see how it does if they move it to small town USA. I'm already embroiled in enough intrigue so I'll not be watching but it may work for some who prefer their drama with cows. I see a midseason replacement breathing down it's neck.

Shark- I love James Woods. He is funny. He is not funny in this. Law drama? Out.

Ugly Girl- It's The Devil Wears Prada TV! Keep it FAR away from me.

Big Day- How can this possibly work? I think 24 is ubsurd. I mean how much crap can happen to one person in one day? I guess we'll find out. But with flowers and cake. I forsee a whole episode about the wedding dress having a ripped sleeve.

The Knights of Prosperity- I think...yes. I'm not sure how they can go a whole season with this but I say go for it. The premise sounds ridiculous and way out there and I like it. Novelchick will be setting the TiVO.

Men in Trees-Traditionally your Alaskan based dramadies do well. I guess Alaska is funny but with the potential to be killed by a moose? Anyway, I hate the name. This may fail for the same reason as Love Monkey. No one wanted to SAY they were watching it.

Six Degrees- J.J.'s new child. I'll try it. Honestly, I can probably only watch one of his shows at a time but with the help of an Excel spreadsheet I might squeeze in two.

Traveler- An intriguing premise. This could be great or...Surface.

30 Rock- If I were these actors I'd consider getting my resume ready in a hurry. IN A HURRY.

20 Good Years- This may work. The Everyone Loves Raymond crowd was looking to fill the gaping void in their lives anyway. It won't appeal to everyone but your parents may like it.

Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip- I'm glad Matthew Perry is clean but I'm still not watching this. Which has exactly the same plot as 30 Rock. On the same network. Believe me when I tell you the premise is bad once, doing it twice won't improve it.

Kidnapped-Allegedly flashy and cashy. I hear good things but I never understood the appeal of West Wing.

And everything else from this network? Probably not.

Ah, the long awaited CW line-up and it's...only three shows. They're recycling (and rightfully so) many of the WB offerings. The three they are debuting? Ummmmm, no. I'll still watch the Gilmore Girls/Veronica Mars dream block. But thanks for trying.

Fox...Fox, Fox,Fox. Out of your eight new shows I'll be watching...none of them. They weren't even worth mentioning. Sad. Just sad. I'll see your complete line-up on Well, not really since they would have to be BRILLIANT to start with.

I'd now like to mention Psych. It's the new one on USA. I believe they're trying to shore up a quickly declining MONK. One of the best shows on television that decided to "go in a new direction" and we all put on out black arm bands and new it was just a matter of time. Rule of Thumb:Once they fiddle with the opening credits it's time to get out TV Guide and look for a replacement for your viewing timeslot. But Psych is...good. Darn good. Funny good. I like it. And you can't stop me.

But you can stop me from watching The Dead Zone. You can stop me cold with all that political intrigue. Did we learn nothing from X-Files? Lighten up, you're on USA.

Tuesday will tell the tale over the much hyped Eureka. It's being plugged on every media outlet NBC owns. The promos look good. Let's all hold our breath and continue our write-in campaign to get Sci-Fi to get it's head out of it's ass and remove WRESTLING from it's line-up.

The Closer- If you aren't watching this chick-power drama then you're probably...Don Imus. It's smart and sassy and finally a character who is a Southern woman is doing us proud.

Tonight is the summer season premiere of SG-1 and SG-Atlantis. I look forward to having them back. This year BSG will not start until October as Sci-Fi gets uppity and tries to run it against a mainstream network show. Hopefully one of Fox's. There is also a spin-off in the works called Caprica. I have mixed feelings on this. But as long as we are spared more WRESTLING, I'm for it.

Dr. Who. Chris Eccleston is gone. Alas. He left because he didn't want to be type cast. What is that? Why do actors do that? They get one good season and one award under their belt and off they go. Unemployed is a type cast as well. Checking out Chris' credits on I gotta say...okay. It's not like he own anything for 28 Days Later. I wish him well and look forward to our new Doctor.

Most Haunted-Okay, why did I never realize that Yvette and Karl are married? That they are the producers? I love this show. I record it. I occasionally make my husband watch parts of it. I get especially giddy when Derek gets possessed. And yes, I know the resident skeptic (or septic as I like to say) came out and said it was all a big fake but...if you watch this show DO YOU CARE? Love it. SOOOOO much better then that Ghost Hunters crap. Plumbers with Angst and Jersey Accents is more like it.

NOTE: Since the two above are British shows we are one season behind. DO NOT SPOIL YOURSELF.

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