Tuesday, October 02, 2007

We've been screwed by The Man

Well, okay, we've been screwed by TWOP. I never thought this would happen. I thought it would always be a sacred outlet for astute television watchers, unbiased and free to choose their programming and make fun of it at will. No longer, people! They've sold us out worse than the Bush family. Is nothing sacred? Apparently NOT.

For those of you in the know, TWOP was bought out by the BRAVO channel. Which is part of the NBC crowd along with E, Sci-Fi and USA. I'm sure it owns others but my point deals with these channels directly. Suddenly even the crappiest programs on these channels are getting the royal treatment. I mean who the hell wants to hear a recap of Top Chef or Top Designer? I mean they can't even come up with better names? Then I saw TWOP listed on Top 10 as like number three on their countdown which is generally full of salacious celebrity gossip and other trainwrecks. Number Three? Yeah, I'm sure that was a huge coincidence. And then the absolute unbearable happened. I saw a full blown, voiced over COMMERCIAL for TWOP. A commercial! Why not just take their book to HSN while their at it or do exclusively Bravo shows? Or change the name to Top Website and make it a reality series. Personally I shudder to think they've sunk so low as to throw in with a corporation that has a reality show about a tanning salon. Look, I know reality television is cheap and easy but seriously, a tanning salon? It gives me a headache. So my disappointment is deep and hurtful and I feel used by my once favorite website. I'm removing them from my favorites list. I'm sad. I'm outraged. I've been betrayed for nothing more then money. I feel dirty.

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