Friday, November 17, 2006

T-Minus 5 Days

Yep, 5 days.

The excellent news is that I ran through 87 pages yesterday of corrections , moving scenes around and writing some new ones. If I can keep this up I may in fact be ready. My good friend C.J.(
told me that if my first 35 pages are spiffy along with a good synopsis (and that is not likely to happen) then that's what I need to concentrate on since they usually know at that point if they have a winner. O-Kay! Here we go again!

PS Fabulous Cartoon Owned and Copyrighted Entirely by Please visit their site for more of them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you still alive? Is it sent? (and yes, you can give me the bad friend whipping later. Life is hell right now)