Monday, November 17, 2008


I've done a diservice to you all and forgotten totally to exploit the fact that this is National Writer's Month. So for those of you who haven't jumped on the bandwagon yet, it's really not too late. Well, not too too late. Ok, it's probably too late unless you have a really good idea worked out and it's burning a hole in your brain or something you really truly did start at the beginning of the month. No cheating. Remember NANO is all about quantity not quality but you do no service to yourself by cheating and this is for you personally. But it would only be 3500 words a day or 10 pagesish from here out and that is doable if you really really really work hard. The beauty is you don't have to worry abot spelling errors or whatever else. No rewrites. Nothing. Just GO.

For those who do not know, NANO is a writing challenge that occurs this month each year. It begins Nov. 1 and goes through the end of the month. You are challenged to write 50,000 words (Appr. 170 pages) during the month. You must register and at the end of the month upload your pages to be counted and verified. It's free and it's hilarious. They aren't interested in whether you wrote a publishable novel. It could be a compilation of your blog or anything else that's your desire to write. It's 50,000 words done in one month starting from scratch. It forces you to be on the fly, take chances and really get those creative juices flowing. If you've always thought you might want to write a novel but you didn;t really have it in you and nno one really knew so no one expected anything sign up! If you don't complete the goal no one knows but you.

The Real Story of Interest

In all the New President hysteria it occurs ot me there's a much more interesting story here. Not that they haven't all for the most part been entertaining when reported by Rachel Maddow (every Republican's worst nightmare). I think the most interesting story is that there's a very elderly woman living in a small hut in Kenya in an impoverished little village who is now the grandmother of the President of the United States (Elect).

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Writing Contest from Amazon

I grabbed the following off of one of Sherrilyn Kenyon's My Space thingies. The address is for the contest.

Amazon and Penguin will sponsor a second annual Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award. The competition will launch on February 2, 2009. Between then and February 8, writers with an unpublished English-language novel manuscript can submit their work at abna. As they did last year, PWBill Loehfelm with the grand prize, from a pool of 5,000 entrants. This year, up to 10,000 submissions will be accepted. Putnam published Loehfelm's novel, Fresh Kills, in August 2008. reviewers will participate in the review process. Last year's competition awarded The winner of the contest will be announced on May 22, 2009, and will receive a publishing contract with Penguin, which includes a $25,000 advance.MAN!!

What an advance. To give you an idea, for a first time author, the advance usually falls between $1500-5000. My first advance was $500 and no there isn't a zero missing. This is a fabulous opportunity for the winner.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Muddely Mush....

Okay, so I have this perfectly innocuous little manuscript I was sending in to the GH contest. The thing is to enter the book must be completely finished. Completely. As in they check it randomly because you have to send them a disk of the full ms. So I whip out mine and start reading and it turns out that instead of the finished but not polished script I thought I had? I have a bunch of scenes not really even tied together. I have a bunch of muddley mush as my daughter would put it. What to do? The money is due the 17th of this month but the finished work doesn't have to be there until 12/2. Should I enter it and just write my little heart out or let it slide this year and enter the same one I entered last year albeit with a major overhaul? Or maybe just pass it up all together? Decisions, decisions...It's the $50 question.

The Clothes

Does anyone actually believe the wardrobe is going back?