Saturday, November 15, 2008

Writing Contest from Amazon

I grabbed the following off of one of Sherrilyn Kenyon's My Space thingies. The address is for the contest.

Amazon and Penguin will sponsor a second annual Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award. The competition will launch on February 2, 2009. Between then and February 8, writers with an unpublished English-language novel manuscript can submit their work at abna. As they did last year, PWBill Loehfelm with the grand prize, from a pool of 5,000 entrants. This year, up to 10,000 submissions will be accepted. Putnam published Loehfelm's novel, Fresh Kills, in August 2008. reviewers will participate in the review process. Last year's competition awarded The winner of the contest will be announced on May 22, 2009, and will receive a publishing contract with Penguin, which includes a $25,000 advance.MAN!!

What an advance. To give you an idea, for a first time author, the advance usually falls between $1500-5000. My first advance was $500 and no there isn't a zero missing. This is a fabulous opportunity for the winner.

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