Monday, December 04, 2006

Thanks for asking

Many of you have emailed me and asked if I am dead.
No, I'm not.
Thanks for asking though. But I have glimpsed death and its name is Food Poisoning+Disney. Don't ask the details but the two do not mix. We had a lovely trip anyway and my daughter is now princess obsessed. It doesn't matter which one or even if it actually is a princess just that she have on a large fluffy dress of some kind. I'm princessed out. Last night my husband and daughter returned from Target with Disney Princess underwear (for her not him).

Anywhoodles, I let the GH go. With much regret I will add, but it just wasn't possible and...that's that. But to hell with it anyway. Until they get a women's fiction cat what's the point? Instead, I believe I will treat myself to an end of the year agent blizzard blow-out of query letters. Why not? I may even shoot it off to Harlequin for one of their lines or another. All though it's damn near impossible to keep track of which ones are still being published and which ones are folding. It's like Deal or No Deal over there. Which line will we kill off next? If you sell it to this line, we may close it and you'll be in the dust OR we may not. Let's call the banker and see what he says? I still remember the year that they closed the book on their "lighthearted romantic comedy" line right in the middle of the national RWA conference and there were many a tear shed in the halls along with general wide eyed panic as the authors under contract or in mid-publish were shocked and understandably confused.

Sad news, heartbreaking news. I'm losing my job. Well, not like FIRED but my company is closing and...the end. I'm so sad about it. And now I'm not sure what to do with myself. I realize of course that it's really not a bad thing and that one shouldn't work somewhere forever. And that imagining the new possibilities is the brave thing. I just can't think of any at the moment. Any thoughts? Let me know.

On the good news front, my friend C.J. Lyons has a fabulous opportunity to write a new series which she is starting on ASAP. I wish her great success and no writer's block.

So...I guess I'm copying the first so and so pages of my manuscript and tossing it in the mail/email soon. Maybe this week while I'm feeling sad and need something to take my mind off of it. I'll let you know.

1 comment:

Dorky Dad said...

I'm sorry to hear about the company closing. Can I still say I have a friend that's a bailbondswoman?

Mental note to self: Staci's "get out of jail" business card won't be of any use if you get pulled over while driving on the license that's been suspended for the last few years, so get the court papers to the Georgia Dept. of Motor Vehicle Safety showing the traffic ticket from Charleston in 2003 was dismissed.