Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Did I mention...

I feel like when I reported that Kristen Nelson had rejected me that I didn't really express how sad I was about that. I really am. Having discussed it with my writing friends I agree that it's better to have no agent then one who is not fully supportive of you. The problem of course is getting the agent who is supportive. Somehow in my mind, Kristen Nelson was someone who would get my book. Apparently not. I was extremely self confident that I could send it off and that she would request the full manuscript, read it and be quite happy to sign me up thus begining my career of endless famous movie producers wooing me for the rights. I do hate it when my plans are altered. So, I'm rather heartbroken. Really I am. I suppose pride goeth before hte fall but I'm still quite proud of this book and I hope it will find a home and that someone will love it. Well, I suppose it's time to send out more envelopes.

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