Wednesday, July 05, 2006

What the hell...

I'm in what the hell mode today. I've heard NOTHING from Jenny Bent. Which I'm normally a no news is good news sort of girl but at this news news. And I understand that often it takes a few months for these things to unfold but still...annoying. So I went back through my big list of agents and discovered that some that previously were not taking electronic queries are now. So I've decided why not deluge the publishing world once again with my brilliance? I'd send out the hardcopy, and in some cases I have, but I'm just...pressed for time with the baby potty training and all. But as the national conference is fast approaching I would at least like to send out a query letter that said 'hope to meet you in Atlanta' so when I do meet them they can either say, "oh yeah, send me the first chapter" or "Stop stalking us, freak". I mean I'd prefer the former but sometimes it's just good to lay your cards on the table.

UPDATE: I've plastered/terrorized the in-boxes of many an agent with my query letter today. There are a few out there who still prefer snail-mail and I'll get to that, especially if I don't have to go out to Office Depot and copy a million pages. Well, let's see what sticks. I tried to research carefully the agents that repped my sort of stuff, who were looking for new people, who published books I've read from authors I've heard of. Maybe something will shake loose.

Bad news. My husband returned last week from Virginia (no that's GOOD news) and brought me a copy of Janet Evanovich's new book, Twelve Sharp, which is smart and sassy as always and HAS AN ALMOST IDENTICAL SCENE IN IT TO ONE OF MINE. Thank God I entered the Golden Heart and had to send them a complete so that it's on record mine was written WAY WAY before this. But now agents worldwide are going to think I've copied her. I'm really sad about this. That scene was quite brilliant. This sucks.

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